Aug 16, 2023Liked by Conway Judge

I think there's an awful lot we just don't understand about covid/the jabs.

SOMETHING is going on, and it's not good. People were getting sick anyway pre-jabs (with who knows what exactly? Could've just been the 'flu!) but now MORE are getting sick and DYING & also having cardiac problems (among many others!). Lacking in energy is a common one. But there are also many causes for lethargy. If your mitochondria are getting stuffed, yeah, that'll do it! If the ATP can't do its thing, your energy levels are going nowhere fast. But then you've got people with fatigue because their oxygen levels are down. I just had an illness where I had bugger all energy for 2-3 weeks. Turns out my throat was closing over halfway through each breath. Can't go running, or even walking, if you're missing half your oxygen! I'm back to normal energy levels now, though. Or pretty normal, anyway! So I'm guessing my mitochondria are A-OK as are my ATP levels.

But you know, 'biological warfare' comes into my mind more and more each day...because although the covid sequence has supposedly been identified, when I go looking for papers showing the sequence from sick people, most of the papers just can't be read! And then I find some that say they've done 'optical genome mapping' which I had to look into to understand. Optical Genome Mapping is basically just looking at certain tiny sections of the genetic code and using them as 'fingerprints' or 'barcodes' to identify them as that particular genome - but most of the genetic coding is still missed. So who knows what's in the rest of it, eh?! But the 'scientists' think it's OK, because they've got these little tidgy fingerprints of tiny sections of it. Riiiight.

Then of course you've got the concoction of broth from which they claim they 'extract' purified viruses. Purified by what? From what? Did they add acid? Anti-biotics? Other proteins? Heat it? Do what exactly? From what I've read of how vaccines are made, the ingredients and everything, I don't see how they can be sure what is in ANY vaccine!!! I'd have a far better idea of what's in my bone broth stew! :-D

And I recall back in 2020/2021, we were proudly told via the MSM that some of the SARS-CoV-2 sequence was filled in by a computer! Reminds me of Jurassic Park where frog DNA was used to 'fill in the gaps' Not exactly scientific so much as 'sci-fi'.

So if we're whizzing away on a sci-fi whim, it tells me that the 'scientists' really have no idea what they're doing! Probably because their superiors are pushing the agenda. Who needs science when you can get away with making up the results - or lying about them?!

As for mitochondria (let alone plenty of other structures in the body) being damaged by the spike proteins, and assuming it IS the spike protein roaming freely and causing disaster wherever it goes (there was a lot of crap in those jabs!), our species is in for one helluva ride. Who knows, maybe you, even with your debilitations, will be seen as super-energetic in the future compared to those who've been jabbed!

Look on the bright side. At least you're likely to still be alive in the future :-)

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Aug 16, 2023·edited Aug 16, 2023Author

Mighty mitochondria

Their DNA so insecure

Able to be damaged by toxins

As they roam 'round and explore

Dysfunction and a lack of energy

With complex secondary roles

Spike protein doesn’t like them

As studies now show.

Long Covid

Gulf war syndrome

Chronic Lyme disease

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

And now this post vaccine induced fatigue

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Endotoxin in the jabs switches Mitochondrial metabolism to anaerobic via the Warburg Effect


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There was a neurosurgeon I followed back when I was on FB about nine or ten years back, Jack Kruse. He used to talk about light and mitochondrial dysfunction, saying it was the biggest thing to correct before anything else (ie. diet, water etc.), because if the brain receives information from the computer screen on its usual daytime blue light setting, the brain thinks it's 12pm- time to go catch rabbits for lunch- the energy dump in the cells/adrenals set the body off accordingly.

However, if the eyes are absorbing this bright screen light and it is 11pm at night when the body is supposed to be getting ready for sleep, melatonin should be flowing and relaxing the system; they are in direct opposition. The body can only take so much of that sort of mitochondrial damage before it begins to break down.

Solution (at least in part) is to get f.lux or better, and/or use 'darkroom mode' at night when on screen. Change globes around the house to orange or red, and/or use red-lensed blue-blocker glasses. The point is to trick the eyes- or at least comfort the eyes into thinking they're looking at firelight. I've done it since I first heard about it, it makes a profound difference.

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When the disinformation began about these amazing LNP modified RNA shots and statements that the created Spike will only be in the cytoplasm and not the nucleus I as not convinced and my second though was what about the mitochondria? Not even talked about. But most do not remember freshman biology classes when the professor lectured on cellular biology. Most texts had an full chapter with semi detailed drawings. I remember these things, why do others not?

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As I understand it Ivermectin also attacks the mitochondria. As does metformin a drug (a useless and harmful one) used to treat Diabetes (which itself is caused by what exactly?)

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