
It seems that although some journals are censoring data and refusing to publish certain pieces. Media outlets are ignoring the elephant in the room pretty much universally. Business and market speculation is exempt from this and so does not hesitate to publish trends if it brings in the moolah.

I suppose what I am saying, is it might be wise to keep an eye on those types of publications as it is possible to glean insights and trends from them.

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There is no need for peer reviewed publications. There is no need for statistics. The People must demand the data we rightfully own. Displaying the data in graphical form requires no peer review or statistics using p-values or whisker boxes or CI's. Just raw data depicted. Res ipsa loquitur. The thing itself is the teller of the story. It is unassailable. 1) FOIA death certificates, 2) Graph certain "I" codes, "J" codes, "C" codes, and "D" codes, 3) Match VAERS records with death certificates to determine deaths from vexine, 4) Sue for access to the IIS (Immunization Information System) of a state, 5) Match the IIS records to death certificates and VAERS records. CONCLUSION: you will find hundreds, if not thousands of vexine deaths per state in a short time. We need teams to do this. Spreadsheet operators good with large formulae and conditionals. SQL coders. Lawyers. Check out my substack to see it done.

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"Too many shots" was what my veterinarian replied 13 years ago when I asked him why my second dog in 5 years (unrelated) developed autoimmune hemolytic anemia. That was when I first made the connection between vaccines and autoimmune disease.

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Oct 27, 2022·edited Oct 30, 2022Liked by Conway Judge

Talking blood... I'm thinking that if I was smarter and had some money I would work on establishing data base for those with "untainted" blood. Thinking ahead,

that will be the basis for all genuine scientific research in the near future.

Of course there are millions of those in the world but, fewer in the western hemisphere. Do you think someone has already thought of this?

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All I can say is I hope someone has done this or something like this. But I am not aware of any project if it exists.

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Did you mean "UNtinted blood"?

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Or untainted...

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Safe Blood Donation, a new international non-profit organization based in Zurich, Switzerland

Only unvaccinated people can donate blood.

Below are some of the reasons why blood should be distinguished by Vaxxed | Unvaxxed.

{{20210915: Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia VITT and cerebral sinus thrombosis CVST


VITT was also the flu, H1N1, rabies and pneumococcal vaccines.

Patients should avoid heparin use until VITT is ruled out.

Platelet transfusion should be avoided due to the risk of further antibody-mediated platelet activation and coagulopathy.

Once the platelet count has fully recovered and no other contraindications have been

Direct oral anticoagulants or vitamin K antagonists have been suggested for subacute/chronic management.

Of 54 patients with CVST unique to COV19 Vaccine, at least 21 (38.8%) patients died.

VITT Thing by Vaccine:



The use of heparin in patients with VITT actually exacerbates the problem (VITT).

Newer anticoagulants such as argatroban and lepirudin are used.


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Thank you very much for this Masako Fujii 😊

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There is the BBHB - Blessed By His Blood


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It would be interesting to also measure the effect of shedding on the 'unvaxed's' blood.

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Yeah, the plot certainly thickens... We've been talking about it for some time now but it has resurfaced in a serious way again. Hoping the is a way to find the particular ways of transfer.

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Coming back to this, after several months, because since we last exchanged words on this particular post, I read "The Invisible Rainbow" by Arthur Firstenberg...

MY MY MY. Interesting stuff, and some of that includes an explanation of the changes in the blood of people exposed to EMF's-- RADIATION, over a long period of time. Seems it cause HYPOXIA and a lot of other troubles, with the BLOOD.

Even if that were enough for this post, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND TO EVERYONE that they read that book. We are in deep, dark waters, my friends.

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Interesting, thanks for sharing this I am just looking some more into it now.

I might buy the book because it does sound very interesting.

So many mutagens in the environment now, chemical, electrical, biological, radiological.

Muddying the waters, all pointing and blaming the others for their wrong doing.

Jabs caused this. No microplastics caused that. No its radiation from Fukushima. No its electromagnetic waves. No its preservatives. No its volatile chemicals in our air and water. No its fungi and mold... and so on and so on.

And so plausible deniability is always a finger point away.

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Apr 21, 2023·edited Apr 21, 2023Liked by Conway Judge

Yes, indeed. I bought the book because I wanted all the citation, too. It's about half and half, the book and the citation!! It's WELL WORTH the $25 or so, just to have all the info and this guy is right up there with RFK, Jr.'s citation! AND he's an excellent writer.

But it's AMAZING what we've been told, and not told... And that finger point is ALWAYS pointing AWAY from EMF's. Oh, yes, it's so very, very SAFE!!!! Not. It's the main means of genocide, especially with the jab, but without it, too. The list of symptoms is mind-blowing, and the list of "diseases" that are actually EMF poisoning and then doctors writing prescriptions for some bogus "disease," like, THE FLU. Well... you'll see what I mean. Read it, just read it!

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Well done, sir. I very much enjoyed reading this as I also have been on the blood trail for quite a while. I don't know if it is bad form to post an article in your comment field here. So, I will merely state that I have very much official death certificate data to back-up your article. The signals are too low for the rare conditions you mention, but the marrow cancer and lymph node cancer and B-cell type lymphocytic leukemia are all very high. I also explain how these signals would be missed because older people who would have died later from some of these cancers were killed en masse by neglect in early 2020. The well was dry. So when people started dying from the vexine, the numbers appeared normal because the deficit of 85+yo's canceled out the excess of those younger. Great article. Thank you.

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Appreciate you work very much Coquin!!!

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Of course, the "market" is going to jump at any possibility of profits to be made from the helpless, the weak, the injured, even the dead. So lovely... throw a Pandemic Party and invite all the ghouls...

Wondering, have you come across a scientific explanation for how "shedding" from the inoculated to the uninoculated works? I seem to only hear non-medical, non-scientific explanations... I should go look for myself, but if you've found anything... ?

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Regarding shedding, I haven't yet, not in detail anyway. It's a good question though.

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Trying to understand how something in the blood escapes through the SKIN... or breathing system... ?? I'll try to look into that later today, or soon. Cheers.

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I believe there are more than one thing occurring that confuse people regarding shedding. The one thing that may be evidence of shedding from vaxed to unvaxed is the thromboembolic issues regarding menses from vaxed partner to unvaxed woman. But is this shedding of anything from vexine (I'm used to using this on Twitter so they don't flag me for the real word). Given the rise in RSV summer of 2021 in the south of USA and the rise in shingles everywhere since the vexine (and other viruses), I believe that the simple mechanism is vexine causing immunosuppression, which allows latent viruses to rise possibly to a threshold of subclinical or barely presenting, then shed through regular aerosols to an unvaxed person, who then becomes clinically ill with all kinds of viruses. We are in uncharted territory with these transfecting vexines. I can use this theory for covid, too. What if a person is carrying covid subclinically, gets the vexine, becomes immunosuppressed, then sheds. Is he shedding the vexine or the covid virus itself? If shedding the vexine, then is he shedding LNP's, S proteins, or mRNA's via some type of exosome aerosolized in breath? I don't know. I'm not a biologist. I have no training in this. Just guessing. I cannot understand a mechanism of action such that there'd be enough spike protein shed in exosomes in breath. Nor do I see LNP's from the vexine making it to the breath unscathed and intact. But, as Steve Kirsch told me the other day, there are many anecdotes of unvaxed women being with vaxed men and then having menses issues with bleeding abnormally. Is it shedding from the vax, or shedding from covid, which arose from immunosuppression from the vexine? Where's my emoji for thowing my hands in the air?

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Regarding Shedding (Transfection), even in Japan, since around May last year, there have been many posts with sentences and photos on a small website saying, "Something is strange. It may be Shedding even though I haven't been vaccinated." Most had eczema, rash, and women additionally had menstrual irregularities.

Now when I look into it, many scholars say that Shedding is possible.

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Let's be clear about "shedding". I mean the word. I was very explicit in talking about aerosols and breath in my assessment. With regard to shedding through bodily fluids such as breast milk and semen, I absolutely believe shedding is occurring because of the number of particles found in breast milk and in ovaries and testes after vaxing.

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I think it's entirely possible, and there is much evidence of this sort of thing in a lot aspects of life/health/"disease" and so forth, that SYMPATHY may well be a means of "spreading" something, in the way that we think of as "contagion." Sounds like hocus pocus, but... I think there may be something to it. Just because it isn't accepted by pharma doesn't make it wrong! ^_^

Have you seen THIS? It's just soooo cool, and AMAZING...


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Hands, or paws, in the air, for sure, including mine!

I'm not a scientist, and some of this is simply too complex for me to really get a clear idea.

That said, I must say I am waaaaay over in left field on some of this, thanks to doctors like Tom Cowan, Sam Bailey, Jane Ruby, Andrew Kaufman, et al...

I believe it is the case, from what I've read and heard from videos, that viruses have never really been isolated, that the process of isolation is so clearly and substantially absurd in how it is done, that to believe it is valid requires people to put their critical thinking under the desk and pretend. It's been the sort of critical element for those who study virology-- they go into the field in school, and by the time they realize what's going on, they must make a choice, between changing their field of study, or choosing to go along with the charade of "isolation," which involves adding a bunch of monkey kidney and milk, and horse stuff... I tend to remember Big Picture information, and not always a lot of the details, but... Cheeses, Rice! ;) This is no way to do science... Let me find you a video from Tom Cowan, who is unabashedly contemptuous, and well should be, it appears.

Anyway, it's my belief that Steve Kirsch is controlled opposition (very, very wealthy tech guy who seems to parrot all the wrong things), and any virologist claiming anything about viruses, has either sold their soul for money, or have put away their own ability to question (a la Mass Formation!) because it's their career. This is why I consider Robert Malone to be an opportunist liar as well. People get very upset with me for saying things about these "beloved heroes" of Covid, but I trust my BS Detector far more than I trust a bunch of guys who appear, to me, to be attempting to avoid the rage that is surely coming...

Here's a link to Cowan's/Kaufman's/Morrell's explanation of "virus theory"... There are several videos "out there" that talk about viruses v. exosomes, and so forth... Terrain Theory, and the Pharma Industry and MONEY all play a significant role, as I see it, and I'm not alone, but perhaps in a smallish group. My theory right now is that there has been so much hoaxery/fuckery/misdirection/outright lies going on in all this, it is difficult to get a really clear picture of "The Truth," but I suspect, SUSPECT, that it's most likely to do with air pollution/heavy metals and other airborne contaminants we breath in, and which are also in the "jabs," such as lots and lots of aluminum, mercury, and GRAPHENE OXIDE, together with EMF's, which are ubiquitous, particularly in the countries called the "Five Eyes," US, UK, Oz, NZ, and Canada.


There's a very good video that gives a pretty good overview of Terrain Theory; it may not be absolutely accurate about everything, but I think it's an excellent introduction at least. It's kind of long, so if you watch it, speed it up a notch by clicking on the gear icon at the bottom right and choosing the next faster speed.


Cheers, m'dear! If none of this sits well with you, I will not be offended. ^_^

I've been trying to spread your page and work around! Will continue to do so. Attorneys, I'd say. And AG's of the various states, as they will be eager to show they are not part of the Conspiracy of Death, now that the tide is turning... I'm so impressed by your Excellent, Excellent efforts!!! xo

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Thanks much. I'll only respond to one aspect. I know Steve Kirsch and talk to him often. He was a Democrat donor and good loyal party follower before all this. But for his own personal experience with some people, he might still be blind to all that's happening. His eyes are opened. He is happy to say he has been red-pilled and says so often. Regardless of words, his actions speak loudly. He's a good guy and he's devoted all his time and effort to this cause for a year. I think you've assessed him wrongly. But I understand as we are in a world where few trust anyone these days. I ignore much of that talk though it comes at me often. I just worry about that which I can control.

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Well, regarding Steve Kirsch, I could be wrong. He's a very rich guy, which is one strike, lol.

He also, for as long as I read his page, continues to call this jab a "vaccine," without quotes, which irks me, when people seem to be standing up as those who are In The Know, and lastly, he never answered any question I ever asked him, and he wants to be PAID for his Substack, which seems kind of petty for a millionaire... But, I am always in search of Truth, and if I got him wrong, I can handle being wrong. Cheers.

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was reading Pfizer document that someone posted indicating Pfizer was aware about potential shedding issue… discussion on page 67 exposures when pregnant, breastfeeding & occupational exposures including “An occupational exposures occurs when a person receives unplanned direct contact with the study intervention which may or may not lead to the occurrence of an AE. Such persons may include healthcare providers, family members, and other roles that are involved in the trial participants care.”


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Yeah, I saw something like that, too, Thanks!

What I'm really after isn't acknowledgement of shedding, but how it works, exactly. Haven't seen anything on the technical, medical of HOW it works. I guess just blood flow... Curious.


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would also like to know… have read about vaxxed parents with unvaxxed kids who somehow end up with bloodwork ‘as if’ they were vaxxed… so overwhelming all of this crap.

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Yes, indeed. Overwhelming.

I kind of don't believe this, but maybe it's real... I am very skeptical about this.

Shedding, as in somehow spike proteins come out of a vaxxed person, and are... inhaled? by unvaxxed who then show signs of being "vaxxed"? As in airborne vaxxing? And something I just saw this morning about the Chinese "vaxxing" people with a spray...??? Well, airborne toxins are nothing new. If that's what they're up to, they've been doing it via chem trails for decades... Heavy metals are all over the skies, so then using EMF's to "activate" them is easy as pie.

I say TAKE DOWN the towers, use fiber optics, back to telephone booths and home phones, until we can do it safely, and stop the mf-ing chem trails.

And-- nice to "see" you, Kitteh! ^_^ xo

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