"The King of the North is Russia. Although the name Russia doesn’t appear in Scripture, the geographic location is given in the Bible to pinpoint accuracy."

The King of the North is the emotions; the parting of the Red Sea refers to overcoming the emotions. The war is in our head, but our heads create our world.

"Evil appears as good in the minds of those whom god leads to destruction."

Christians reading the bible literally, with earthly eyes, will see Jerusalem and Israel in the middle east, Putin the bad guy (even though he's christian like the christians) and so on.

Israel was plonked where it is now to represent a symbolic idea.

Jerusalem means a peaceful mind.

It'd be hilarious if it wasn't so diabolical.

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Oct 11, 2023Liked by Conway Judge

That was the Satanic version of the end; the Godly version has a somewhat different outcome, and since only Yhwh God is omiscient, as well as omnipresent, and almighty, I'm inclined to believe His version. He's been around longer than all those "johnny-come-latelies" like the Freemasons, Illuminati, et al. And His prophecies are unfolding on His schedule! This war, prophesied about 3K yrs ago, is shaping up as He warned. Their tellings are founded on greed, lust for power and similar human sins, whereas Yhwh God's are not; they point to a time of unprecedented peace and prosperity under the reign of Jesus Christ for a millennium, before 1 last test, for all.

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Oct 12, 2023Liked by Conway Judge

Yes, it's a all a bit depressing, isn't it? So many stories about The End Of The World (Revelations is terrifyingly juicy, is it not?!).

I think nuclear weapons and nuclear stuff in general is a stupid idea. Spent fuel rods are highly radiative, and until we can find ways to make no radiation happen after fuel rod use AND then everyone who uses nuclear does it that way, no-one should be using nuclear. Otherwise it's just not safe. In any way. A nuclear reactor having a meltdown is one thing, but it's still mostly fairly local. But nuclear war affects EVERYONE on Earth due to the extensive fallout. Like volcanic ash post-eruption, nuclear fallout will travel around the world in the air, affecting everyone and everything. There will be very few places to escape the worst of it when you consider atmospheric circulation.

So of course we let narcissists/sociopaths have access to Big Red Buttons - which is obviously ludicrous...but those qualities are about all we can find in world 'leaders' these days, right?! Given this, it's not really a matter of 'if' nuclear war might happen, but 'when'...

Until people can work together (not our evolutionary strong point, mind you...) and stop being bloody stupid and bloody-minded, we've no chance of fixing ANY major issues in this world, least of all War and Nuclear War.

A few people here and there might have the answers to things, but dickhead 'leaders' and the sheeple never listen to them, do they?

Kind of makes you wonder what's the point of it all when we're stuck with Stupid (ie most of humanity in one way or another!).

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