Apr 19, 2023Liked by Conway Judge

Ha. Everyone in my family (except me) does TKD 1-2 times per week. I'm good at martial arts, but I need to do more 'meditative' sports that create less 'agro' in me! We all go biking, including mountain biking for us all (except the youngest - but give her a year or two and she'll be keen, I bet you anything!). We're building a house. And have animals. And our property is sloped about 15-18 degrees. Lots of heavy work and lots of hiking! :-D

Aside from tonnes of sport in my past, I've also done 10+ years of pilates. Having a physical job being a Chiropractor for 17 years has trained me well, too!

It does seem we may all be in good physical stead for the future.

Now if this damned sesamoiditis would just go away on my left foot, that'd be grand!!

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Apr 19, 2023·edited Apr 19, 2023Liked by Conway Judge

Great post.

And don't forgett to train to be mentally fit too. It's going to be a tough ride.

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Yes to all that wisdom... although yin yoga is more for me than pilates, mainly because, as a woman and a trauma coach, all that zipping didn't feel right for my psoas and pelvic bowl. I recall my daughter doing a weekend challenge when she was at school. It was a tough hike, carrying lots of tent related equipment (actually she is only 5' 4" and carried a massive rucksack) and because she is who she is she ended up holding the rest of her 'team' up who couldn't orienteer at all. When she got home, I will never forget how utterly broken she felt. Emotionally, in particular. She had absolutely nothing left. Floods of tears. I feel that it is these kinds of soul forging, initiative experiences we need more of. I was an athlete, as a kid... always playing some kind of sport as long as it wasn't too competitive. That put me off. Now, I love foraging, walking and hiking on the moors, and grateful to live by the ocean.

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I'd recommend a book on how to butcher and cook a human body.

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