Under the microscope.
New Zealand based microbiologist Dr Robin Wakeling explains some bizarre findings in detail.
It is probably not the first time you would have heard rumors about these strange things being found under the microscope when analyzing Pfizer mRNA products or the blood of those who suffering adverse events.
A New Zealand independent paper Elocal has reported previously on Dr Wakeling’s findings.
We have also recently heard of findings out of Germany that open a whole new can of worms themselves.
But you can see clearly in this video, the destruction and unraveling of infected blood cells that has been described as “never seen before, strange and concerning”
Above is a red blood cell, the long fiber like tail is the cells outer membrane literally falling off and unraveling.
The round circles are ordinary blood cells. The weird octopus thing is a blood cell falling apart.
So why are blood cells just unraveling like this? That cannot be good for you.
On a personal note, someone I know was diagnosed with blood cancer. The exact details are still unknown to me and formal diagnosis is taking a long time. Could they mistakenly be seeing something like this and at a loss to explain it, calling it something that sounds more familiar? It is impossible to say. I cannot see any of his documents for myself.
I've started looking into buying a microscope to see things for myself. Have even considered going into hematology only I probably wouldn't be able to cope with all the PPE safety rules.
If I were a James Bond villain; I would design the first round to wipe out the immune system, and accept the next series with the operating system.